The Union Civil Protection Mechanism runs an active and comprehensive training programme, offering experts from all over Europe a deeper knowledge of the
through the 'Minerals4EU' Knowledge Data Platform. Data Search. Search into the EU-MKDP (Mineral Resources Database and Knowledge Documents) to find
Knowledge Hub is based on the following three principles: Everyone contributes: the knowledge base grows quicker if everybody adds case studies. While knowledge is abundant, gaps do still exist: DG Research and Innovation (R&I) contributes to mapping these gaps through their Projects for Policy series of reports. Inspired by this initiative, the DRMKC has developed the Gaps Explorer to provide targeted recommendations, tailored to different stakeholder profiles – Policy-Makers, Practitioners and Scientists – based on thematic reviews. EU policy. EU ADAPTATION POLICY. EU Adaptation Strategy; Home Knowledge Tools Map viewer.
Test your knowledge: Back to the basics; Test your knowledge: The EU and its functioning; Chapter II: Social policies in Europe today. What is the European Union’s role in addressing social policies? What are the key challenges for social Europe today? What has the EU so far achieved from a social perspective? In the scientific world, as the flood of knowledge increases, there is a greater need for reviewing and analysing this information. The JRC coordinates knowledge services (knowledge and competence centres) to process science-based evidence to inform policy-makers and to provide tools and services for all EU policy areas. Knowledge for Policy (K4P) Opening of the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021 What is our vision for turning excellent research into value for society?
EU citizenship.
Some Networking/Telecom knowledge are welcome - Some uboot in Sweden and EU) As a consultant at Envoi AB, you have committed
978-91-7383-754-5. Utgivningsår.
EU:s och Kinas tolkutbildningsprogram (EUCITP). Kapacitetsuppbyggnad i Kina. This is the public version of the KCI. Remember to login in order to participate
We need to overcome challenges that exclude vulnerable groups from the benefits of the information revolution.
We support EU policymaking through better knowledge management on territorial (urban and regional) related issues. Competence Centre on Text Mining and Analysis We use text mining and analysis tools to extract information from online data, including traditional or social media, or from large public or proprietary document sets. Opening of the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021 What is our vision for turning excellent research into value for society? A conversation between Cristina Fonseca , Tech entrepreneur and Young Global Leader 2021 and Peter Dröll , Director Prosperity, Directorate-General Research & Innovation, European Commission
Det här är en praktisk breddningskurs där du lär dig hur EU fungerar i praktiken genom att fokusera på ett verkligt fall som du väljer själv. Du lär dig att söka fram originaldokument från EU:s institutioner, att spåra den lagstiftande processen från första förslag till färdig lag, och införlivande i nationell lagstiftning.
Handelsbanken rapport
/jrc/en/file/187530JRC Animated Video on Earth Observation Knowledge Centre Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity. We enhance the knowledge base, facilitate its sharing and foster cross-sectorial policy dialogue for EU policy making in biodiversity and related fields. Published on Knowledge4Policy by the Biodiversity team EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021 The Knowledge Valorisation Week will showcase excellent examples of strategies and tools to boost the uptake of research results that benefit all.
A legislative instrument of the EU which is binding in its entirety on those to whom it is addressed. The Knowledge Database provides information on a given substance or general method of analysis and also contains information such as: the monograph’s revision history; detailed information on work on-going either for a new monograph under elaboration or for a published monograph under revision with a view to being more transparent to our users (this will also allow Ph.Eur
Knowledge Centre on Interpretation. The single go-to space to manage and exchange knowledge, create synergies and disseminate best practices on conference interpreting and more.
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To achieve this goal, we identify existing knowledge bases of EU regions, develop a
We enhance the knowledge base, facilitate its sharing and foster cross-sectorial policy dialogue for EU policy making in biodiversity and related fields. Published on Knowledge4Policy by the Biodiversity team EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021 The Knowledge Valorisation Week will showcase excellent examples of strategies and tools to boost the uptake of research results that benefit all.